Writting small scripts s the easiest way to get information from Frama-C when it is not directly available.
How to run a script
To run a script within Frama-C:
$ frama-c -load-script script.ml ...
If the script extract information from the results of a long analysis
(such as the value analysis of a large application), it is worth
saving the project first (with -save projet.fc
) and then
to load it together with the script:
$ frama-c -load-script script.ml -load projet.fc
Script about functions
This script prints the list of the defined functions that are not syntactically called:
let main ()
let do_function f
let calls = Kernel_function.find_syntactic_callsites f in
if ((Kernel_function.is_definition f) && (List.length calls = 0)) then
Format.printf " %a:\n fonction %a@."
Printer.pp_location (Kernel_function.get_location f)
Kernel_function.pretty f
in Globals.Functions.iter do_function
let () = Db.Main.extend main
Script about variables
This script prints the list of the global variables, and if they are defined or only declared:
let do_var v _init
Format.printf "Global variable %a (%s)@." Cil_datatype.Varinfo.pretty v
(if v.Cil_types.vdefined then "defined" else "declared")
let () = Db.Main.extend (fun () -> Globals.Vars.iter do_var)
Script about statements
This script shows how to use a visitor
they are used to go through all the
program and process some selected elements. Here, the method vstmt
redefined to look at the if
statements and to determine if
the value of the conditions is statically known.
Notice that to print information about the conditions,
this script uses the results from the value analysis,
so Frama-C must be called with the -val
Otherwise, the if
statements are localized only.
class test_cond = object inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
method vstmt stmt = match stmt.Cil_types.skind with
| Cil_types.If (exp,_,_,_) ->
let msg
if not (Db.Value.is_computed ()) then
"no value information"
else match Db.Value.condition_truth_value stmt with
| true, true -> "both branches"
| true, false -> "then branch only"
| false, true -> "else branch only"
| false, false -> "no branch (unreachable)"
let ()
Format.printf "@[<hov2>%a:@ condition (%a) : %s@]@."
Printer.pp_location (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt)
Printer.pp_exp exp msg
in Cil.DoChildren
| _ -> Cil.DoChildren
let () = Db.Main.extend
(fun () -> Visitor.visitFramacFile (new test_cond) (Ast.get ()))
The function Printer.pp_stmt
can be used to print a statement, but the default is to also print the annotations attached to the statement. To print only the statement, rather use (Printer.without_annot Printer.pp_stmt)
Script about properties
This script prints the list of the preconditions of the reachable functions, and for each of them, tells whether it is valid according to the value analysis results, or not:
let do_prop p = match p with
| Property.IPPredicate (Property.PKRequires _,_,_,idp) ->
let kf = Extlib.the (Property.get_kf p) in
if !Db.Value.is_called kf then
let status = match Property_status.get p with
| Property_status.Best (Property_status.True, _) -> "is valid"
| _ -> "may NOT be valid"
Format.printf "%a: in function '%a', requires '%s' %s \n"
Printer.pp_location (Property.location p)
Kernel_function.pretty kf
(String.concat "_" idp.Cil_types.ip_name)
| _ -> ()
let () = Db.Main.extend (fun () -> Property_status.iter do_prop)
Script about values
This script iters over assignment statements, and for each of them,
and for each callstack that reaches to this statement,
it prints the new value of the modified lvalue.
Of course, this requires to first compute the value analysis results
(ie. to use the -val
let pretty_lval stmt fmt lval
if not (Db.Value.is_computed ()) then Format.fprintf fmt "@,no information"
let kinstr = Cil_types.Kstmt stmt in
let loc
!Db.Value.lval_to_loc kinstr ~with_alarms:CilE.warn_none_mode lval
match Db.Value.get_stmt_state_callstack ~after:true stmt with
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "@,no information"
| Some h ->
let pp cs state
let value = Db.Value.find state loc in
Format.fprintf fmt "@,%a: %a"
Value_types.Callstack.pretty cs Db.Value.pretty value
in Value_types.Callstack.Hashtbl.iter pp h
class pp_set_lval = object inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
method! vstmt_aux stmt = match stmt.Cil_types.skind with
| Cil_types.Instr (Cil_types.Set (lval, _exp, loc)) ->
Format.printf "@[<v5>at %a: '%a' after stmt: %a%a@]@."
Printer.pp_location loc
Printer.pp_lval lval
(Printer.without_annot Printer.pp_stmt) stmt
(pretty_lval stmt) lval;
| _ -> Cil.DoChildren
let () = Db.Main.extend
(fun () -> Visitor.visitFramacFile (new pp_set_lval) (Ast.get ()))
Simple Plugin
Beside the scripts, for more complex things, one can write a Frama-C plugin. A very simple one looks like this :
let plugin = "Test" (* same name than in Makefile *)
module P = Plugin.Register
let name = "Testing plugin"
let shortname = "test"
let help = "Just to test..."
module Opt = P.False
let option_name = "-test-on"
let help = ""
let main ()
if Opt.is_default () then P.result "default value@."
else P.result "not the default value@."
let () = Db.Main.extend main
The plugin then have to be compiled with the Makefile
FRAMAC_SHARE :=$(shell frama-c.byte -print-path)
FRAMAC_LIBDIR :=$(shell frama-c.byte -print-libpath)
PLUGIN_CMO = register
include $(FRAMAC_SHARE)/Makefile.dynamic
To be use, either the plugin is installed within the Frama-C framwork with :
make install
This might require some privileges depending on where Frama-C is installed.
An other solution is to give the path of the plugin with the -add-path
option.So for instance :
frama-c -add-path . -help
gives the list of the available plugins and should show :
Testing plugin Just to test...;
use -test-help for specific options.
Voir aussi :
- Afficher un pourcentage dans une page HTML
- VNC : Virtual Network Computing
- Git : déménagement d'un dépôt
- Quelques liens au sujet de l'analyse statique
- Ocaml: mon principal langage de développement
- Disque dur externe
- Les profiles dans Firefox
- Cryptographie et mail sous Android
- Quelques liens au sujet du C
- Git rebase : pour diviser un commit